Alabama Veteran Riders
Rules And Code Of Conduct
(Updated 8/30/2024)
Listed below are several guidelines to provide a foundation for members in Alabama Veteran Riders (AVR). These procedures are in place to protect the integrity of our members and AVR. If you have any questions, please contact your Chapter President.
All AVR Riders must have a valid drivers license, current registration, and current insurance. By being an AVR Member, you consent to providing proof of these items upon request.
All AVR Riders must wear an approved DOT helmet on any AVR ride
No drinking of alcohol before or during rides allowed
Memebers must be current on Annual Membership dues in order to participate in any club event
We ask that you wear your approved vest or AVR shirt to all rides and events. The exception will be Chapter dinner meetings.
No MC club members are allowed to join AVR without prior approval of the AVR President.
Must follow Approved Vest Patch Placement
No Officer of the AVR may hold a post as an Officer of another similar or competing Club/Organization.
AVR Officers and Members are responsible for maintaining the public image and perception of the club. No AVR Officer or Member should make any statement, or commit any act, in any form of communication, that ridicules, denigrates, or otherwise portrays the Club itself or any of the members of the Club in a negative or unfavorable manner.
NO AVR Officer or Member will start up any kind of competing Club/Organization or sub group within the AVR, or use the AVR to recruit AVR Members for any other similar group they may be a part of.
Complaints against any Officer or Member may be presented by any member, using the proper chain of command. All complaints against Chapter Presidents or Chapter Vice Presidents will be reviewed by the Club President and Club Vice President.
AVR is a non political organization and we don't accept donations from political candidates or parties. We never endorse a political candidate.
Any communication between a 1% MC and AVR is strictly prohibited by any member other than Chapter Presidents and up.
AVR members are not allowed to participate in ANY Alabama Council of Clubs (COC) member's events or rides, and likewise, COC members are not allowed to participate in any AVR events or rides. This is a rule that was adopted by the COC, not AVR, but we will abide by it.
A violation of the above articles will be reviewed by the officers of Alabama Veteran Riders. The accused may provide evidence on their behalf before a decision is made. Violation of any of these RULES AND CODE OF CONDUCT may include a warning, suspension, or membership removal. For grievances, any member may appeal the decision, if he/she feels the decision is incorrect. All appeals will be made to the Club President at this address: All decisions involving the Members grievance will be final
Alabama Veteran Riders Chain Of Command
Alabama Veteran Riders (AVR) has developed a chain of command and communication to aid members in receiving the information they need on a timely basis and provide chapters and members with support as needed. It is the responsibility of each leader to make sure that the next leader in the chain receives the communicated information. Members are encouraged to refer to this chain of command/communication. It provides a communication link to leaders in your area that are best equipped to answer questions and issues. Phone numbers for your state leaders are available on the AVR website.
AVR Chain Of Command
(As Of 8/31/24)
Alan "Rocketman" Farmer
Steve "Smith" Smith
Alabama Veteran Riders Use Of Logo
Alabama Veteran Riders Logo:
The Alabama Veteran Riders (AVR) logo is a ®Registered Trademark, all copyrights are reserved. Any item with the AVR logo may not be sold without written consent from AVR Club President or Club Vice President.
Members must obtain written permission before reproducing the AVR logo.
Alabama Veteran Riders Artwork:
All AVR artwork is owned, licensed, and controlled by Alabama Veteran Riders, Inc. It may not be copied, reproduced, republished, reprinted, or distributed in any way without written permission from the Club President or Club Vice President.
All trademarks, service marks, logos, and trade names are proprietary to AVR.
Any submissions or concepts become AVR’s property and AVR shall not be liable for any use or disclosure of them.
Send all requests for permission to use the AVR Logo to: